Wednesday, 20 July 2011

A true story of Transgender /Hijra community faced in West Bengal

Today whole day Myself and Only Sanjay were in the Hospital. Nobody was in the Hospital besied us and Bini. It is a very shamefulll for the Agencies, NGOs, Network, Funders etc who always claim and say that they are woking nicely with TG/Hijra community or in HIV/AIDS sector. They are only having meetings and making strategies sitting in the big-big Hotels but doing nothing with the grass root community not even that time when community is dying.

I went to the chief minister of West Bengal, Health Department, WBSAPCS, and many places but did not get any support for Bini when she is dying everyday. They should be ashamed that they are withdrawing huge salary in the name of HIV/AIDS but doing nothing for the community. Today opertion has done successfully by the Doctors and major opearation would be done by the Doctors of SSKK Hospital after few days.

I and Sanjay was going here and there for taking medicines and other things for the opration and not only that in the opration theatre no any staff of the Hospital were there and they told me and Sanjay to bring streture from other department and take Bini. We both went and brought Streture from other department and brought Bini to her bed. No any staff helped us. When we asked about help they straight said that this is not their job. How me and Sanjay did this only we know. Bini was half anasthize and she can't move and me and Sanjay taken her from department to another department and in between we are going here and there for taking medicines and talking with the Doctors. Myself and Sanjay never faced such kind of discrimination before and from morning to evening we both were there and we did not find anyone beside us where people talk much but reality had come in front of us. Today whether was also not in support and raining from the morning and taking Bini from one department to another department how we did only we know.

How long our community will face all these? Where is the staff and money which come for our community and not stand beside us? Why they promose a lot but do nothing? Why not any care and support had been done for the TG/Hijra? Why not still any TG/Hijra TI had been started? Where are those Organizations and Network who always claim that they are also working with the TG/Hijra in Bengal? Where are those Leaders and Activist who talk much and always try to discriminate ATHB and TG/Hijra community and unnecessarily interferece in the West Bengal's matter and especially TG/Hijra's matter and did not support Bini? What is the need of this kind of person sitting in the higher chair and doing nothing for the community? Where are those self claim TG who always represent unfortunately TG community in National and International level and he and his organization and Network did not stand beside Bini?

MSM are always taken all the benefits with buttering and oiling to the higher level people but we TG/Hijra people do not do all these so, we always discriminated by others including these MSM leaders.

I started hate this HIV/AIDS sector where only dirty politics but no one is working for the communtiy and not only this mis using much money in the name of community. How long it will be continue............

I am attaching some photographes and you all will come to know and will hate such kind of people who always discriminate us and doing nothing for the community rather than withdrawing salary and taking projects for thier organizations. It is ridiculous, disgusting and very-very cheap and this kind of people should be shame..........

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I have been working on films concerning human issues in Bangladesh. Recently my 1st film “Common Gender – The Film” (based on Transgender community) was screened in Hollywood by the invitation of Foreign Press Association of LA. “Common Gender – The Film” has exposed the suffering of transgender in Southeast Asia and specifically in my country.

    I want to show this movie to the transgender community of your country. For your kind information, currently I am in Turkey.

    Your kind cooperation will be appreciable.


    Noman Robin
    +90 534 021 0763



    Why I made this film?
