Monday, 11 July 2011

Transgender/Hijra phased discrimination in goverment hospital dt-11/07/2011 West Bengal/Kolkata/India

Dear All,

Sub: Shameless and Redeculas incident phase in goverment Hospital Yestarday 11/7/2011

Further to my mail dated 9th & 10th July, 2011 we could not proceed with
...The treatment of Ms. Binni on Saturday and Sunday being a weekend and there
Was no service available from the Hospital?

Today when we went to SSKM Hospital and requested the concerned person to take care of her and also requested for urgent treatment, since her health condition was detoriating alarmingly within two days, when we tried to intervene in the hospital and seeking permission to admit her, though there was very heavy rush in the hospital at that time, at very moment the hospital authorities forcefully dragged me out of the concerned department and literally harassed me in front of the visiting crowds and used abusive(Regarding my sexuality and Identity) language and also insulted me a lot.

After the incident I personally went to Bhowanipore Police Station and lodged a GD No.AS 9T1 dt. 11.7.2011 at 2.55 pm against the concerned authorities of SSKM hospital, but till now no action has been taken yet.

I am writing this mail to draw attention to all my friends, funding agencies and stake-holders who are actively involved with the legal rights and most of them are doing their duties by making phone calls, most of them are mere spectators and don’t even show little bit of humanity towards the suffering patient. I am really shocked with the incident and could not even come out of the trauma of it and feeling very dejected and humiliated and in these condition, I don’t know how the poor Binni would be treated, since we are running out of the budget and have to bear the expenses from our own pocket, I don’t know how long can I fight against this mismanagement of the Health Department, but I will fight for her till my last breath.

Last but not the least, I like to mention that the agencies like NACO, SAPCS, UN agencies, Global Fund, NGOs, Network have been actively involved with the service of the health of HIV/AIDS etc where the above agencies should have certain guidelines to help the CBO, but I don’t find any proper guideline where help from these above mentioned agencies should be intervened, where as most of the cases any expenses which we bear.

We are not aware for your actual motive and also support you are entitled through which CBO’s like us will be benefited.

So we will give an ultimatum till 12afternoon tomorrow, if there is no intervention or remedy regarding the Binnis matter then we will protest in front of SWASTHA BHAWAN till with immediate effect.


Ranjit Sinha


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